36648 | Chameleon Concerto, A |
| Meyer, Richard | Score
mp3 audio
| Category: String Orchestra w/solo; String Orchestra |
| Grade: Medium |
| Duration: 5:00 |
| Instrumentation: str=,solo instrument (string, wind, brass, mallet, adv vn(/fl/mallet)) |
| Comments: Solo can be any wind, brass, string, or mallet instrument. Solo version parts included: Advanced vn/fl/mallet; vn/ob; va; bass clef; Bb; Eb; Horn in F; Tuba. |
| Description: Give your young string orchestra a chance to learn the all-important skills needed to accompany a soloist with this compact, one-movement work that features a soloist playing ANY string or band instrument: oboe, viola, tuba---you name it! A Chameleon Concerto, by Richard Meyer, has catchy melodies that explore various moods. The constant give-and-take between the soloist and strings keeps every section of your group active. There is even a short cadenza toward the end of the piece to offer everyone on stage a complete concerto learning experience |