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36657 Songs of Mexico (SOUND INNOVATIONS)

(Arr. Phillips, Bob) Score
mp3 audio
Category: String Orchestra; Methods/Collections
Grade: Easy
Duration: 2:00
Instrumentation: str=,(pf accomp)
Comments: A la Rorro Nino, Un Elefante Se Balancesaba, Luz de la Manana. Correlates with Sound Innovations Book 1, Level 4. Includes Educational Packs for Violin, Viola, Cello, and Bass (1 copy each).
Description: Three beautiful tunes in an easy medley! Songs of Mexico is a set of three traditional Mexican folk songs arranged by Bob Phillips for beginning string orchestra. The entire piece can be played on the D and A strings for violins, violas, and cellos, while basses play on the D and G strings. "A la Rorro Nino" (to the boy/special/darling child) is an infant slumber song. "Un Elefante Se Balanceaba" (one elephant was balancing) is about an elephant balancing on a spider web with more elephants joining as the song progresses; for example, the second verse would be two elephants, the third verse would be three elephants, and so on. "Luz de la Manana" (morning light) is a children's song about morning.

Item QtyPrice
Set (Includes Strings 8·8·5·5·5)
Extra Score


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