57767 | FOREST OF WILD THYME, OP. 74 THE: Intermezzo |
| Coleridge-Taylor, Samuel (Arr. Fraction, Tai) | Score
mp3 audio
| Category: String Orchestra |
| Grade: Medium |
| Duration: 4:00 |
| Instrumentation: str= |
| Description: Intermezzo, by Samuel Coleridge-Taylor, was originally composed as a piano solo with robust chords and a proud melody. In her string orchestra arrangement, Tai Fraction creates a work that young people will enjoy as they learn about a renowned composer of color through dramatic dynamics, triplets, slurs, key changes, hooked bowings, and more. Fraction's arrangement of Intermezzo provides all instruments with exciting parts to play as they work together in two- and three-part counterpoint to replicate the grandeur of Samuel Coleridge-Taylor's original music. |