13410 | Harry Potter, The Complete |
| (Arr. Brubaker, Jerry) | Score
mp3 audio
| Publisher: Warner Bros. Music |
| Instrumentation: 2+1.1.2+1.2/,timp,9 perc,hp,str= |
| Duration: 12:00 |
| Comments: Hedwig's Theme, Nimbus 2000, Hogwarts Forever, Quidditch, Harry's Wondrous World, Fawkes the Phoenix, Harry in Winter, Dubledore's Farewell, Voldemort, Elder Wand, Lily's Theme, The Friends, The Weasley Stomp, Obliviate, Family Portrait. Grade = MD. |
| Description: Some of the most exciting themes from the Harry Potter movies beautifully arranged into one manageable work. |